0452 400 9000 | 0452 400 9999 | krsnulifehospitals@gmail.com | Anna Nagar, Madurai - 625020.


Critical Care & Emergency Medicine

Critical Care & Emergency Medicine at our hospitals is a 24-hour, fully-equipped medical centre, which cares for all kinds of accident victims and emergency cases. It is a state-of-the-art medical care centre, with the latest medical equipment. Medical supplies are available round-the-clock from the in-house pharmacy. The doctors and other medical staff are highly experienced in emergency medical care. They are accomplished in providing urgent medical or surgical care, basic and advanced life support and comforting patients and their care givers.

We provide unquestionably high standards of care, experienced specialists, expertise in critical care and cutting-edge technology, be it day or night.

The critical care facility of our hospital is the best facility of its kind in the city, providing cutting-edge standards of care to patients. Every patient admitted here benefits from our extensive services, technology, and the finest medical care at every stage of patients’ journey. Our facilities are directed by senior consultants and supported by the expert nursing team and state-of-the-art equipment.

Our critical care service offers patients 24X7 intensive and specialized care, having the ability to handle any emergency. Every patient can rely on us to receive the best in healthcare when they need it the most.

The facilities at our hospital combined with our specialist multidisciplinary teams and expert consultant, intensivists, can speed up the recovery time for patients with complex ailments.

  • Soothing & Patient-friendly ambience.
  • Open Visitation facility


Critical Care - The bedrock of any tertiary care hospital is qualitative critical care, the kind we provide at our hospital. In our hospital, Critical Care Units are managed by skilled, internationally trained, and qualified doctors drawn from multiple disciplines to ensure that expert healthcare is provided 24 x 7 for critically ill patients.

Unique Features of Critical Care in our hospital:

Seamless and integrated emergency medicine (ER) and critical care services.

Dedicated and highly skilled supporting staff

ICU - Nursing superintendent, infection control team, clinical pharmacist, critical care technicians, physiotherapist, clinical nutritionist and biomed support.

Continuous training and upgrading of competencies - We run international courses such as AIM (acute illness management), EGLS (echo guided life support) & ENLS (emergency neurological life support) to ensure that our medical and nursing staff is kept updated on current critical care practices. Critical care and emergency medicine training programmes train the best of the next generation of critical care and emergency medicine specialists.

Simulation adopted as a training tool

All units are going digital, using big data and Artificial Intelligence. All clinical information on patients, including lab and Radiology, will be accessible electronically instantly. Critical care policies and processes are data driven. Critical care outreach services and critical care clinics are on the anvil.

Reception and Support Staff Team

A very supportive and informative service for patients and families, including counselling and bereavement services. A single point of contact, who will extend and coordinate all assistance including financial counselling.

Our Hospital is committed to giving its patients personalized treatment and care of the highest quality. We earn the trust and confidence of all our patients through our quality of service of and the kind of relationships what we maintain with them.

Contact us to for any of your Critical Care & Emergency Medicine requirements 24/7 a day and we are always there to serve you at our best.

Let us unite hands together to build nation of healthy India!