0452 400 9000 | 0452 400 9999 | krsnulifehospitals@gmail.com | Anna Nagar, Madurai - 625020.


Homeopathy is a non-toxic system of medicine used to treat illness and relieve discomfort of a wide variety of health conditions. This is a system of medicine which involves treating the individual with highly diluted substances, given mainly in tablet form, with the aim of triggering the body’s natural system of healing. Based on their specific symptoms, the most appropriate medicine to each patient is matched.

We bring you the convenience of getting quality homeopathic treatment for all your chronic and long standing illnesses. We are committed to provide you the best of the information and constitutional homeopathic treatment. Diseases Treated by Homoeopathy are Infectious Diseases, Viral Diseases, Diseases of Infancy and Childhood & Allergic Disorder.

Our Hospital serves people based on a holistic approach. Our chief objective is to always provide the quickest and best treatment for our patients. To correctly select the remedy and monitor the healing process, an experienced physician of our hospital who is trained in homeopathy is involved. Best suited remedies are chosen and patients are asked for feedbacks regularly. At our hospital the treatment is often administered along with natural supplements which boost the patients self-healing power or immunity.

Our Team

We have best Homoeopathic Doctors whose only mission is to restore the patients’ health .They have been exclusively trained under world’s best Homeopaths.


Safe Treatment

Homoeopathic Medicine is the safest treatment worldwide, Free from side-effects safe gentle rapid healing.




Who Choose Us -     Homeopathic Hospital      – Our Meaning

  • Healers to all the diseases affecting Mind & Body through Homeopathy especially those which are refused by the other line of medical treatment, are the areas of great interest for us.


  • Observance & obeying the principles of the science systematically; Always be on high moral grounds.


  • Mastering the essentials from the basic to the best of Homeopathy for achieving and maintaining the success in cases we treat.


  • Expansive attitude & eager desire for more and more knowledge. Addiction for learning, including advanced clinical research through evidence based case studies and documentation being ever growing science.


  • Objective evaluation of status of health from the wholistic perspective.


  • Proud to be the Homeopaths with a passion to give the best possible treatment, united for a common mission “Homeopathy – Hope for Hopeless & Help for Helpless!”


  • Appreciated & trusted by the thousands of treated patients in India & worldwide.


  • Team work with Total Dedication. Work effectively with all members of the team to learn, share and support each other to bring best possible outcome for the patients.


  • Homeopathic hospital where patients are admitted & treated without injections and Intravenous Drips including in acute & emergency cases.


  • Ideal therapy for healing the long standing complicated diseases by simple, small and sweet homeopathic medicines in a shortest possible duration given by a team of zealous Homeopaths with a passion to heal the sick!


  • Center for homeopathic treatment for the cases like Cancer, AIDS, De – Addiction & Challenging cases {Mental & / or Physical} refused by the experts of modern medicine. To be recognized as leaders in modern homeopathy and deliver life changing measures using homeopathy. We aimed to bring homeopathy close to mainstream medicine by research, scientific application and practice.


  • Homeopathic Home Care for the bedridden patients & cases in the terminal phase of their fatal illness as a part of our service to the suffering in humanity.


  • Only hospital with the purpose to serve the people with the care and be courteous.


  • Sole aim is to spread the message of homeopathy in a right way for the next generation through our best possible honest efforts & make it available to the poorest poor of the country.


  • Paperless & eco-friendly environment followed up with pure medicinal substances in a simple form to preserve your health, peacefully & permanently at much affordable price.


  • Impart systematic and intensive clinical training & research under the expertise of the team at the hospital, thereby bridging the gap between Homeopathic education and clinical practice. Team conducts exhaustive studies and research in the field of Homeopathy in order to establish its efficacy in medical science, and to tackle serious pathological conditions.


  • Team work with Total Dedication. Work effectively with all members of the team to learn, share and support each other to bring best possible outcome for the patients.


  • Aimed is to dedicate our lives for homeopathy where Integrity, honesty, commitment, Practice of highest ethics & conduct should become the synonyms for the homeopaths working at the hospital.


  • Last but not the least – We as a team, humbly dedicate our success to almighty and without his blessings our success would not have been possible.